So I'm back, it's been a couple years I guess I was given a free pass or something idk. But I'm going to take advantage of it. I won't be on that much till next week, when I get my internet hooked up. Still living in Burque in New Mexico. Haven't really been in contact with anyone except 1 or 2 but they aren't part...
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So yeah it's been a while. But I'm still here and kickin'. Doing the whole family thing kind of take a lot of your time away, but I ain't complaining. i hope that everyone is doing well, and if I don't come around very often send a message I check my e-mail daily.
Yeah i'm not a fan of dark beer but each to their own!!
Miss you!
Just got back from the hospital. My wife and I now have a beautiful baby girl. too tired to write much more. till next time.
Got some pics in my albums if anyone wants to look.
Got some pics in my albums if anyone wants to look.
Hoping all is well!
I got kicked out of the NM group =[
So it has been pretty hectic in my house. Christmas wasn't too bad, but New Year's Eve, well that's an entire paragraph all to itself.
So, had a party. My party started about 2:00 pm, had a poker game where I was in the last round. But that's about as much as I'm gonna tell you about that. (I lost)
Then I got to enjoy...
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So, had a party. My party started about 2:00 pm, had a poker game where I was in the last round. But that's about as much as I'm gonna tell you about that. (I lost)

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Good luck with the smokes, man, you can do it. I just went over 3 years.
Party sounds wild. Sorry you had to put up with the creep.
Party sounds wild. Sorry you had to put up with the creep.

not gone just busy
thank you for your comment on my set !

So after not being able to do much on my computer, the wife and I went ahead and got a new computer, it's nice and everything, but it's just something else I have to pay for.
Anyways all is good and all is well.
Anyways all is good and all is well.
Wow its been a while since I've posted, I've been around just not on my own page i guess.
So I've decided to relinquish the ownership of SGNM due to the craziness that's going on in my life. First i ain't got a job, second i have a baby on the way say in about 3 - 4 months and a 2 yr old that...
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So I've decided to relinquish the ownership of SGNM due to the craziness that's going on in my life. First i ain't got a job, second i have a baby on the way say in about 3 - 4 months and a 2 yr old that...
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Congrats on the wee one, but damn-it not working. I hope everything rolls together for you.
I'd take SGNM, but I just got rid of ownership responsibilities myself.
Good luck, man. I hope life opens up for you soon.
I'd take SGNM, but I just got rid of ownership responsibilities myself.
Good luck, man. I hope life opens up for you soon.
Sorry I'm not a blogger, I work all day, and when I come home I really don"t wanna be sitting in my uncomfortable computer chair. But other than that everything is goin good and work kinda sucks because we don't have much work to do anymore cuz the economy is sucking the hind tit right now. So how have you guys been and all that...
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Thank you!! We did indeed ♥
oooh, I love Hawaii!!!!
How ya doing mister?
How ya doing mister?
Sorry it's been a while. So everything is going well in the married life, same as it was before we got married so thats good. Been busy with stuff, trying to get a second job because being poor SUCKS. And also I'm going to be in charge of security for an SCA event. So those of you that play and those of you that are...
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hey hun! how are you?!
So i am back now, how's everything been people. So we stayed at Buffalo Thunder Resort/Casino just outside of Santa Fe. Sorry if I didn't hit any of you guys up when I was up there, but I was on my honeymoon. We got tattoo's.... no they aren't names or matching, she got a fox and I got a sock monkey. Picture to come soon,...
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well thank you!
well thank you!
Alright, today is the big day. I'm gonna go and get married. You guys don't have to much fun without me. 

pics please
pics please

lol wow... congratulation!! Hope you're having an amazing day!