About time I updated a bit...

I started working at Creepyworld for fun, got assigned to the Dominion of the Vampire section. It's pretty fun, I posted some pictures of myself and the crew in character. Although last night, it rained all over us. frown The one downside of an outside attraction.

Also, I'll get around to uploading some more normal pictures later.
Holy shit, I haven't been here in a long time. And who keeps reactivating my membership? I'm honestly really curious, this is the second time it's happened anonymously, so my interest is piqued.
Wheee. Cosplay stuff arrived in the mail today, makes for happy non-emo Steve despite the fun stuff.

Maria's birthday was yesterday, and it was hell on earth, and the best hell available too. Work was a bitch today because of it, but it was worth it. Now the repercussions...

Probably going to be getting a 2nd job up at Chesterfield Mall. Joy.
Dead tired. I owe Maria for dinner tonight. And now I get to wake up to open the damned kiosk today.


But at least I get paid. So things are looking up. Definitely looking forward to Reactor Con in October, and that's where all my money's going.