wow, its been awhile. i must update. been off doing the things i was meant to do. kinda still oing them. will post new svelte pictures of me in my super special bcg's. those things are ridiculous.
your indyscout

my infinite isnt so infinite feeling anymore. i agreed to put the pieces back together, but its a puzzle with no instructions or picture to guide me. those parts were lost long ago. i try, but am wary. i feel myself falling back into that trap again. the one where all i do is love too much and too hard and somehow come up...
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where did we go for so long
that when we came back we were bitter and cold
a distance so far that our expanse seemed imeasurable
i hope to regain what has slipped through our fingers
but i cannot rebuild without a foundation of truth
the greatest of structures built on deception have become the rubble soon forgotten
for if i am to be strong,...
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Go word art go!
we are what? shells filled with gears and cogs. like this machine that creaks and moans when we force it to do what we want. but as much as we are physical, we are psychological. how we all wish we could know what anyone else is thinking we will never have that power. i guess we must learn to be contempt with that.
i would...
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back bitch!! for another year
thanks man!! the bunny is actually kaput..the swap is goin in an 84GLi and i have a 16V bunny that is gettin an ABF turbo built, and my daily is an 85 jetta diesel.

if ya got questions holla!!

keep it real EL SUICIDO LOCO
i might be going away for awhile, due to money. be back soon
so my mind's made up and i'm completely in love with this woman. i feel like we could survive anything together. i certainly hope we can. we bend and adapt and change to fit eachother and we do so unselfishly, unwantingly. especially right now when everything else has fallen into the sea for me, she has been the foundation that i can stand on. hopefully,...
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hey society, remember me? i feel like i lost myself between the cracks in the time rift. some dark hole thats swallowed me up into a hesitant state. it seems like i'm being ignored by the masses. i guess that's a first for me and it's a really weird feeling. not that i try and stick out, but that not even when i am "normal"...
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so nothing has changed deep down. i am so notorious for lying to myself. "you're all right, you're all right", the surface tells my deep down chasm. i give in to requests of others, knowing that in the end it will only end up hurting me. i guess i'm a glutton for pain and self destruction. i know i want to move on, but i'm...
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