I'm just copy&pasting this here from the journal that you don't get to see.
I really am terrible at updating these things aren't I? Althought this time at least I have a reason other than sheer laziness. Classes Have Started! Yay! Yeah, the first week of class I was working at the bookstore full, or nearly full-time between classes. Now this week, I'm still working there but only about half time. It'll keep the "bills" paid for at least a few more weeks at least.
Speaking of bills, I went out and bought new toys for my bike today. Since gas prices have broken the $3 per gallon mark I don't think I'll be switching back to driving anytime soon, 'specially once the job ends. I finally got a helmet. Nearly got hit again today,
so I decided that I'd had enough and needed to get one. I am now an official "mushroom head". Feel free to mock me as I pedal past, I'll just laugh as you pay for gasoline.
I was walking through the halls today at school and passed a poster that had the minimum wage on it. I'm sure you've seen them, they show what the minimum wage used to be ($4.95 I think) and what it is now. The minumum wage here is $5.15 per hour. The price of gasoline (here) is $3.20 per gallon. Lets do the math together shall we? Crap it's a ratio, can't remember how to do those off the top of my head. brb.
Okay, not a ratio, a proportion. Anyway this is what I came up with: (and yes this means I was voluntarily doing algebra at 12am, If I got it wrong please let me know, since I don't like to be this depressed about the state of the world)
$5.15 per hour minimum wage = 515 cents $3.20 per gallon of gasoline = 320c (everything was calculated in cents, 'cause I'm not sure how to do it any other way)
515c / 60 min per hour (to give pay rate per minute) = 8.59c per minute of work
(all decimals rounded to the nearest tenth) (kinda seem like sweatshp rates, don't they)
320c per gallon / 8.59c pay per minute = 37.26 minutes for 1 gallon of gasoline.
(to give how many minutes to work per gallon of gas)
But wait, there's more!
8 hours of work per day (normally) - 30 min for unpaid lunch = 7.5 hour paid on the job per day
7.5 hours per day x 60 minutes in an hour = 450 minutes in a work day
therefore (I bet you were waiting for this weren'tcha)
450 minutes of work / 37.26 min per gallon of gas = 12.08
12.08 is the number of gallons of gasoline you can buy for an entire day's worth of work at the current minumum wage and at current gas prices.
Sorry to be a downer (cow) but I have to go to bed, so I can get up early and Bicycle to school.
I really am terrible at updating these things aren't I? Althought this time at least I have a reason other than sheer laziness. Classes Have Started! Yay! Yeah, the first week of class I was working at the bookstore full, or nearly full-time between classes. Now this week, I'm still working there but only about half time. It'll keep the "bills" paid for at least a few more weeks at least.
Speaking of bills, I went out and bought new toys for my bike today. Since gas prices have broken the $3 per gallon mark I don't think I'll be switching back to driving anytime soon, 'specially once the job ends. I finally got a helmet. Nearly got hit again today,

I was walking through the halls today at school and passed a poster that had the minimum wage on it. I'm sure you've seen them, they show what the minimum wage used to be ($4.95 I think) and what it is now. The minumum wage here is $5.15 per hour. The price of gasoline (here) is $3.20 per gallon. Lets do the math together shall we? Crap it's a ratio, can't remember how to do those off the top of my head. brb.
Okay, not a ratio, a proportion. Anyway this is what I came up with: (and yes this means I was voluntarily doing algebra at 12am, If I got it wrong please let me know, since I don't like to be this depressed about the state of the world)
$5.15 per hour minimum wage = 515 cents $3.20 per gallon of gasoline = 320c (everything was calculated in cents, 'cause I'm not sure how to do it any other way)
515c / 60 min per hour (to give pay rate per minute) = 8.59c per minute of work
(all decimals rounded to the nearest tenth) (kinda seem like sweatshp rates, don't they)
320c per gallon / 8.59c pay per minute = 37.26 minutes for 1 gallon of gasoline.
(to give how many minutes to work per gallon of gas)
But wait, there's more!
8 hours of work per day (normally) - 30 min for unpaid lunch = 7.5 hour paid on the job per day
7.5 hours per day x 60 minutes in an hour = 450 minutes in a work day
therefore (I bet you were waiting for this weren'tcha)
450 minutes of work / 37.26 min per gallon of gas = 12.08
12.08 is the number of gallons of gasoline you can buy for an entire day's worth of work at the current minumum wage and at current gas prices.

Sorry to be a downer (cow) but I have to go to bed, so I can get up early and Bicycle to school.

Some days I wish I could bike everywhere...

I'm getting ready to start riding...gas makes me sick.