So . . . whats been going on in my life lately? Yesterday . . . hrmm, no. Day before yesterday, I managed to nearly get hit by a car while biking home from work. In reality I knew that the lady wasn't gonna look up and see me, and managed to slam on my brakes to keep from running into her car. Then I fell over. Balance was off from slamming on the brakes. As I fell over I yelled at her and she looks over to see me falling over . . . .Bad sentence there. Anyway, she thought maybe she'd hit me and I waved her on 'cause I wanted nothing more to do with her or her evil gas-guzzling instrument of death.
And today I was summarily appointed the VP of the Anthropology club. Thats all in my news today. Kinda wierd though, now that I'm back in the land of the "living" People I don't know are starting to see my profile here and say hi. It's not bad, just kinda odd.
Oh oh oh, I almost forgot. I had someone on CoH last night ask me if I wanted to be their "in-game-characters-girlfriend" For those who don't know me in person, you may be concerned that I'm excited about this. Rest assured that I am not insane, or at least not any more than most people. I've never had anyone online actually "ask me out". And (this part is important) And I'm hoping to do my PhD research on social interaction in online games. So the fact that this other person that I only know through the game, wanted to interact in this way, makes me REALLY excited for my research possiblities, and narrowing down my topic. Of course now I'm having a mild ethical delimma, since this guy (?) doesn't know I may be using him(?) for research purposes.
Comments are welcome
And today I was summarily appointed the VP of the Anthropology club. Thats all in my news today. Kinda wierd though, now that I'm back in the land of the "living" People I don't know are starting to see my profile here and say hi. It's not bad, just kinda odd.
Oh oh oh, I almost forgot. I had someone on CoH last night ask me if I wanted to be their "in-game-characters-girlfriend" For those who don't know me in person, you may be concerned that I'm excited about this. Rest assured that I am not insane, or at least not any more than most people. I've never had anyone online actually "ask me out". And (this part is important) And I'm hoping to do my PhD research on social interaction in online games. So the fact that this other person that I only know through the game, wanted to interact in this way, makes me REALLY excited for my research possiblities, and narrowing down my topic. Of course now I'm having a mild ethical delimma, since this guy (?) doesn't know I may be using him(?) for research purposes.
Comments are welcome
I had a small group of friends of mine that played LARP. I think that was plenty more weird then what you might be doing. I guess if any one did give ya hell for could say it was for research
School in an hour, seeya.

i've gone on several dates with guys i met online. send any questions my way...i had a profile pic of a kitten last week...i'll try to dig it up and repost