ahh, I love the feeling of everything piling up around me, waiting for the right moment to collapse and bury me. Can you tell that it's the week before finals? All of these papers to write, and the layers of bullshit is getting a bit deep, I can
really smell it when I walk into class. I need to actually get something done, except that I really just don't care anymore. I'm completely ready to skip the rest of the semester and just leave. I'm praying that this malaise doesn't last after I get back home. I will forever curse myself if I fuck up my schooling because of Guam.
In other news, I'm still trying to decide where to go, I'm half tempted to say "fuck it," change my return ticket (again), and do a horseback riding vacation in Colorado or somewhere. I haven't been riding in forever, and I'm utterly burnt out on the South Pacific. I'd go to Japan, but I've heard it prohibitively expensive. So . . . where does that leave me? I haven't the foggiest idea. But Celtic music still makes me happy, and that's always a plus.
Mmmm . . . Bagpipes. drool drool *Homer Simpson impression*
(Sorry. My brain just isn't working well these days )