So, I wanted to post a separate blog on being aromantic, so let's get into that one shall we?

Aro for aromantic and gray aro for gray romantic are the two most common distinctions. Demiromantic is usually shortened to demiro if it is shortened at all.

So as being ace means not feeling sexual attraction or only feeling it a little bit, aromantic is not...
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Got it! thank you for making it easier to understand :)

While watching @Seducente 's stream and chatting, I realized as I was explaining some terms that they've become everyday terms for me, and that I just assume people know exactly what they mean. When she thanked me for explaining them because she did not know what they meant I realized I'm probably confusing people way more than I intend. So! I'm going to explain asexual/gray...
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Well, I have one week left on the free month of this site that I won, and it's been very interesting. Lots of fun! Very personable models, lovely pictures, and just generally a friendly atmosphere.

So, I've been making a list of all the models I'd want to follow on this site since . . . I honestly think since the inception of this site....
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One thing that my time at this site has made abundantly clear is that I have no reason to doubt that I am aroace (demiromantic demisexual to be precise). Like, no doubt at all.

I've looked in on streams, posted on group threads, and viewed sets on the site, and everywhere I look there are professions of love, constant declarations of lust, and...
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I'm still trying to figure out what "Member Review" means, and if we as members are actually reviewing or influencing things, and if we have any effect on who is or isn't chosen from among the seemingly many hopeful gals here, and how their sets are chosen for the "Set of the Day". It all feels very opaque, and not in an unintended way.

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@shalil That helps! I do wish there was some effect that the members could have on the decision process. I know that they're a business, but it would be nice to have some input, and some ability to sort of . . . lift up and support the models here with something other than just "tip them if you like them". Not that that option is bad, just that having that be the only way to help and support feels a bit . . . shallow, I suppose?

Out came the wife and I started to list what I've been listening to: Fiddler's Green by Marley's Ghost, The Parting Glass by The Wailing Jennys, several of the more morose Stan Rogers songs, and I'd just started in with a list of sea shanties that started out with "Leave Her Johnny".

"Are you TRYING to make yourself cry?" She said with a laugh and...
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Let's say we love listening to these songs, as sad as they seem to be, we feel that the music touches our soul, not just for the ears, I love that feeling

More or less normal land, from my understanding. I won a free month to this site from Facebook, so after . . . 20 years? I'm finally finding out what it's all about. As an aroace guy, it's gotta be some kind of irony for me to be here. It's not like I'm here for the sexy (I'm pretty much blind to that), and I...
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