One thing that my time at this site has made abundantly clear is that I have no reason to doubt that I am aroace (demiromantic demisexual to be precise). Like, no doubt at all.
I've looked in on streams, posted on group threads, and viewed sets on the site, and everywhere I look there are professions of love, constant declarations of lust, and various threads about things like “come fuck me eyes” which is one of a variety of things that I apparently do not understand the concept of in the least.
The models dance and move on stream and I start observing how their body moves in a “how is this artistically relevant?” way, all the while seeing folks talking about how the dance is hot, or the model is hot, or they're in love, or any of a number of more detailed things I don't feel here. Threads talking about crushes or the top hottest hopefuls or suicide girls or what-not that I just can't wrap my head around. It's not that the models don't look nice, they really do! Totally aesthetically pleasing to look at, all lovely, and on the whole very artistically presented. Just . . . not sexy to me. I also have no romantic inclinations towards any of them. They're awesome gals who just happen to look really nice when nude. Like a flower moving slowly in the wind. Or a hawk taking wing. Or a sunset on a beach. Or a cat in the sun. Or a painting by one of the masters. They're works of art like all the rest.
I suppose as a plus, my blood stays in my brain for the duration of my time on the site, and in interactions on streams. 😆