I've met plenty of cool folks here in my year, especially through the streaming service on this site. So since that year is almost up, and so is my membership here, let's make a post tagging all the ones my ADHD mind can think of!

Gonna start with @jadestone, whose work ethic can only compete with my wife and my kid (he's industrious)....
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Your awesome! Thanks for the love ❀️

Okay so apparently @jadestone wants to see my answers to this. So away we go. (Edit: @rainedemure apparently also wanted me to do this.)

1. How was your Thanksgiving and what are you thankful for?

My Thanksgiving was uneventful, for which I'm thankful; I'm not much of a Thanksgiving fan. But also, I'm thankful for my family, the related and the chosen both,...
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I love getting to know more about you!!

*Looks at calendar*
*Looks at claim in previous blog that I'd write a blog this past Monday*

Okay, first things first, for once my ADHD isn't to blame for this. I poisoned myself over my road trip weekend, then contracted some delightful illness. I forgot I'd even done anything over here until now.

With that all out of the way: Attraction....
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wow I've never heard of aesthetic attraction, but I think that's me xD

Today, I was going to write a blog here based on other forms of attraction other than sexual attraction, but I forgot that I'm not going to have time to until Monday night at the earliest. Things planned for the weekend that I forgot about.

So, this blog is to say that it's the end of Ace Awareness Week, and that I'll be writing that...
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It would be something cool to know more about since it's something not everyone knows of

I saw people doing this and it looked like fun. No one tagged me and I'm not tagging to do this, I'm just answering these questions for fun. The original was I believe created by the user "WeedFarmer".

1. Your favorite things you love about the Fall season?

The leaves, the cooler weather, Halloween, my birthday, rain, the smell on the air . . ....
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@meloncali It's mostly a "I don't have any energy at all, so costumes and decorating is pretty much a nonstarter" kind of thing. I'd like to do those things this spooky season, but my health comes first.
I hope you feel better soon. Health should always come first. There’s some low energy spooky things that can be done as well which is what I have been doing because time just got away from me this year. I will watch some horror movies while keeping you in mind sending you all the love this spooky season 🧑

So there are plenty of comments towards the models here (and people in general) that I totally understand; I understand if someone says that a person is pretty, or beautiful, lovely, fantastic, etc. I get more targeted compliments towards body parts as well. Sometimes breasts are just perfect, like sometimes a flower is just visually perfect.

The questions that I have are on...
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@fredhincanada, I find all of this topic fascinating. For me, there's usually no sexual component to explore, nor something that hits my desire button(s). I could use either descriptor for my wife, but thus far she's the only one, and it's not specifically something I see of her, but what I see in her. Who she is, not what she looks like. And she's the only one who even eventually hit those thoughts for me. She's pretty to me as well, but that's beyond the point I think.
I completely agree, and even if I'm dating someone who tells me that, I ask them to explain to me why they're saying that "What *hot or sexy* means for you? why do you think I'm this?"Β  I personally prefer compliments that refer to my personality (although because I'm a model unfortunate most of them talk about the physical part) maybe because demissexuality? idknow xD

By the request of @rhoxieredd, I shall answer these questions. Gaze upon how boring I am!

#1 Your favorite summer activities?
I used to have summer activities I enjoyed, when I was a kid. These days my favorite activity in summer is hiding from the sun in air conditioning.

#2 3 Things you hate about summer?
Heat, bugs, and more heat.

#3 Who's going on...
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So, every time, and I mean every time someone mentions their backside, their posterior, ass, butt, etc, or even features their butt in some way on their page, say in a video or something . . . all I can hear in my head are the Minions from the Despicable Me movies laughing and saying "Butt" over and over while laughing at their compatriot's xeroxed...
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Maybe your minions should be shown as much butts as possible, sooner or later they'll get satiated and won't react like that anymore 😁

So, for the last day of pride month, I thought I'd talk about the most sunshiny, happy topic in the whole ace/aro thing: aphobia. So, what are examples of aphobia? Well, the popular stance that asexuality/aromanticism is a mental illness, a choice, or a phase you'll grow out of (and let's be honest, anyone on the entire queer spectrum gets that kind of...
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Happy Pride!