Picture this: you see this person across the room. You've never met them, you don't know who they are, and they are sexy as all hell. You decide to talk them up, you get to know them, things get interesting and then . . . nothing. All of a sudden you know them really well, but that attraction you felt is stone cold gone. And...
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So, within the community of ace folks, terms evolved that became known as sex stances; sex favorable, sex indifferent, sex averse, and sex repulsed. Note, these are different from sex positive or sex negative, and if you want to know more I wrote about them here. The main important ones for these two microlabels are sex repulsed and sex favorable. Apothisexual is considered another,...
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So, for a lot of these asexual labels, much like any sexuality label, they're some combo of words; demi- means "half" or "partial", fray- means "unraveled or worn", cupio- roughly means "I want" or "I desire". Well, Aego is two in one. A- means "without" and ego- means "I" or "myself". Taken literally, it's sexuality without the self.

So, some trademarks of aegosexuality are: being...
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Aceflux is an identity within the asexual umbrella; aceflux people's sexuality fluctuates, and that fluctuation is generally all or almost all within the asexual spectrum. But what does that mean? Well, my previous blog noted, there's several micro-labels and labels that exist under the asexual umbrella, and an aceflux person might be asexual (the sexuality, not the umbrella term, yes it's a tad confusing...
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Back in August of last year, I made 3 blog posts. One was about asexuality, one was about aromanticism, and one was about sex stances. For a very brief recap of those, asexuality is not feeling much or any amount of sexual attraction, aromantic folks are similar but with romantic attraction, and sex stances are your general personal attitudes about sex usually...
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Thanks for sharing this information with us, it's very important 🤗

I currently have fragments of "Johnny I Hardly Knew Ya", "Angel of the Morning", and "Motteke! Sailor Fuku!" (the opening song for the anime Lucky Star from the English dub specifically) all jumbled about in my head for no good reason, with the tune of the first stage of Super Mario Bros 2 wending its way through my mind. Why? Why is music...
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And then my current free membership will be up. I'll be back, the site's honestly a lot of fun, but I'll be waiting for a sale because money is tight for everyone these days so yeah. I thank anyone and everyone here who has been so kind and welcoming. You're why I'll be coming back. I mean, the art nude sets of photos are certainly...
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Simply put, there's more to wanting sex than just "yes" or "no". Sometimes that yes is a yes but not for yourself, sometimes that no is so intensely no for good reason. So, let's do this, get right in. There's a set of four terms, sex-favorable, sex-indifferent, sex-averse, and sex-repulsed, that I felt deserve their own blog post. Because these can be you even if...
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So, I wanted to post a separate blog on being aromantic, so let's get into that one shall we?

Aro for aromantic and gray aro for gray romantic are the two most common distinctions. Demiromantic is usually shortened to demiro if it is shortened at all.

So as being ace means not feeling sexual attraction or only feeling it a little bit, aromantic is not...
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Got it! thank you for making it easier to understand :)

While watching @Seducente 's stream and chatting, I realized as I was explaining some terms that they've become everyday terms for me, and that I just assume people know exactly what they mean. When she thanked me for explaining them because she did not know what they meant I realized I'm probably confusing people way more than I intend. So! I'm going to explain asexual/gray...
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Well, I have one week left on the free month of this site that I won, and it's been very interesting. Lots of fun! Very personable models, lovely pictures, and just generally a friendly atmosphere.

So, I've been making a list of all the models I'd want to follow on this site since . . . I honestly think since the inception of this site....
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One thing that my time at this site has made abundantly clear is that I have no reason to doubt that I am aroace (demiromantic demisexual to be precise). Like, no doubt at all.

I've looked in on streams, posted on group threads, and viewed sets on the site, and everywhere I look there are professions of love, constant declarations of lust, and...
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