so today wasn't bad at all. it was real fucking slow, i didn't do much....well not true i did a bit of prep, and cleaning, and goofing off and sitting outside and practicing keeping my mind focused. i just finished another book by the dahlia lama, and now i'm trying to use everything practically which, given my life so far, is quite possible. what i do know is that i have reached a level of conscious understanding on a level that isn't experienced by the every day person, this i know through observation and understanding myself. as Emerson wrote so i feel is true, the same thoughts are echoed by Buddhists, and the ring of truth has reached my ears.i suppose i must take that next step, i just don't know what that is yet. theres time to figure that out, i need to get in better control of myself first, thats number 1 priority. well anyways i had a good night at game, got to play for two hours and it was very entertaining, i really enjoy hanging out with people i just never get to see otherwise, and i love playing my character, he's awesomly evil in ways i can only imagine real chaotic evil to be....just kinda funny and humorous too,lol....well my friends are just as twisted!!!haha. totally in a great mood right now. got tomorrow planned out kinda, i have many options...not sure what i'm gonna do, i know i gotta clean shit, and i know i', gonna visit maureen tomorrow, which is fantastic cause i miss her and i havn't seen her in a while, but thats only part of the day.....i think pot smoking and dicking around are in hi order...dicking*snicker* anyways yea i'm just rambling now.....and just in case you don't i love my friends....they rock!
well thanks you lol ur bong ll ol