4 weeks without eating meat. it really hasnt been that hard or expensive. school's starting wed. im excited! definetly looking forward to seeing nightwish on saturday. my best friends wife is coming along, she rules, and my friend/lover/tatoo artist is coming along as well. it should be a blast, we're all total stoners, and last time i went to the dcu center we brought mad joints into the place. apperently you can fuck to much as a guy. my cock is still chaffed after the marathon the other day. i turned down sex today....wtf. i broke the code! lol. oh well, i need a brake from chasing women anyways and focus on more important things like music and school. i think maybe im due for a wine night soon. i do love getting drunk on good wine
More Blogs
Sunday Aug 17, 2008
managed to get over that awkwardness , it didnt take all that much sc… -
Wednesday Aug 13, 2008
summers almost over and its back to school, not that i mind, but im d… -
Thursday Aug 07, 2008
my sex life after being married is way more fucking awesome than befo… -
Monday Apr 14, 2008
The music pounds darkly in the background as i dance sparodicly aroun… -
Monday Apr 14, 2008
The music pounds darkly in the background as i dance sparodicly aroun… -
Tuesday Feb 26, 2008
when did i become this sad shadow of my former self. i cant even find… -
Sunday Feb 10, 2008
the vanity of woman, the profanity of woman. im sickened and trapped … -
Wednesday Jan 30, 2008
alone he sat lost in contemplative thought. why? he thinks. i am less… -
Sunday Jan 27, 2008
i dont need another blog, but im bored so ill write here. maybe ill w…