i miss my soon to be exwife. i cant help it. sometimes i still torture myself, like what i did tuesday night. it was only for a little while, but non the less i went to bed sad and woke up that way. i quickly fealt better bout life after smoking a couple of bowls and watching movies....... getting burned after giving you're heart and soul is an experience i wouldnt want anyone else to experience. not in the way i did. ill forever love her, that will never change, even tho i cant stand her. go figure. not that im in a bad mood today...... far from it.... i just feel sad. its like a permanent part of my spirit. it definetly shows through from time to time. i suppose it just makes me a more balanced individual, i was eay too happy for way too long. i guess this is what we call perspective

p.s time heals dude.x