The music pounds darkly in the background as i dance sparodicly around the room, eyes scanning for her, the girl who will meet my gaze and become entrapped by it. There, I see her.I move until i come across her field of vision.She spots me across the floor, her eyes invitingly meet my gaze,I hold her stare and smile, all the while dancing my way closer to where she is. It dosnt take long before we are dancing very closely together, her form sinuosly grinding its way over my body.I buy her a drink and ask her name. After some pleasantries we make are way back to the floor,where again we begin our sexually charged dance, this time with much less restraint.Hot and heavey with desire i kiss her deeply and passionetly right there on the dance floor, our mouths meeting while the rest of us grinds to the music. Soon we made it to her place, our mounting passion no longer to be denied, we set upon one another like a couple of ravonous beasts. She throws me on the couch, quickly the rest of our clothes hit the floor and she straddles me. She has the face of an angel, pale skin, brown eyes rimmed with mascara,full lill lips slowly turning up into a sinister smile. She presses her body against mine, her eyes never leaving my own, she slowly trails her hand over my shoulder and i smile back. As her hand trails back over my shoulder I feel cold metal scraping my flesh instead of nails. She holds the blade up between us as her sex envelops me. "Do you trust me?" she asks. To emphesise her question she begins gyrating ever so slighly on my lap. Out of control with lust i manage to croak out a yes, and try to pull her closer to me. " I dont think so" she says, and to emphisise that point she puts the knife to my stomach. "How can i play if we're so close?" well i couldnt aurgu that logic and i didnt want to. She began slowly at first,using the knife point to bring alive the flesh it touched. Then suddenly i feel a hot flash and see blood trickeling from my nipple, a hungry look quickly filling her eyes. Before i can protest her mouth is over my breast and she greedily drinks. This brakes a damn in her and she begins to move wildly on top of me. Still shocked and vary much aroused i have no time to react as the knife point comes right to my jugular. She stops moving, and takes the knife in both hands. On top of being shocked and aroused i start to feel a surreal fear spreading threw me, as i cant tell whats going on behind her still buetiful but demonic visage. Im more turned on than ever, and she knows it. "Pledge youre soul to me" she says " I knew what you wanted the moment our eyes met, its to bad you didnt know what i wanted." The pressure of the blade increases ever so slightly, and again she's rocking on top of, moaning with pleasure, hands still sturdely holding the knife in place."I can give you all you desire" My will breaks and i scream "YES!" Firery passion again blooms in her eyes and we begin to move in what can be regarded as no less than a sexual frenzy as our bodies work to climax, all the while with the knife still pressed against my throat. The furry of her climax sends me out of control, gasping she slowly lowers the knife. With blood flecked lips she kisses me deeply for some time. "You came looking for a conquest", she whispers to me" but it is you who was conquered. You're mine boy." This is crazy. But i dont leave. She's right, i cant. "Now we just have to give you a name," she manages between gigles, and i think to myself "what have i gotten myself into.
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