So I’ve always been a huge animal lover since I was a kid! I grew up always having animals in my life. I’ve had dogs, cats, hamsters, bunnies, birds, reptiles etc.
I love to rescue animals and give them a safe and loving home, even if they’re sick, I try to give them a place to feel comfortable until their last breath.
Currently, I have 4 fluff balls, that are full of energy!
My oldest boy is 14, about to be 15 in Jan! He’s a chihuahua, and definitely has little man syndrome. His name is Monster, so his attitude is fitting! 😂
I have two terriers, that came from the same liter. They were rescued from the streets, their mommy was hit by a car, and they were strays. Their names are Neji and Hinata (yes they are named after Naruto characters!)
My last one is my youngest, even though she is the biggest, her name is Bellatrix. She’s a border collie mix and she’s got a lot of personality! She’s my big baby who thinks she is a lap dog. (She is named after one of our favorite villains)😂
I also have 3 leopard geckos and they are as sweet as can be!! Their names are Yoshi, Birdo and Koopa. (Yes they are all named after Mario characters!)