I have not gotten over the shock of yesterday, but I have calmed down a bit. Yesterday I ripped off everyone's head that I knew who voted for uhuhhhhuhhh bumbling retard George Bush. My parents got it the worst.
I am devastated and terrified as to what the next four years in this country will be like. Some people have tried to say, "Oh you are just being a sore loser" but in all honesty I am so unnerved as to the ruin that he will inflict on this country.
As a woman I am even more scared...prepare to have Roe v. Wade overturned ladies, and even less say in our insurance (i.e. less birth control covered by insurance, because pushs for family planning and abstinence)
And the greatest scare that I have ever felt ---- the immence of the draft being instated when Iraq erupts into civil war in January during their first "election". I already asked Hexe if I can move in with her up in Canadia (She hasn't gotten back to me yet
. I am proud to say that I would make my man be a draft dogger. I will die by firing squad before I will let anyone close to me fight and die in a war that is for political gain and not our security or freedom.
Very sad - And all the non-Americans on SG......please pray for us, and when people in other countries say they hate Americans, defend us. Our government has done this and helped to make us so hated in the world, and American citizens will be punished
I am devastated and terrified as to what the next four years in this country will be like. Some people have tried to say, "Oh you are just being a sore loser" but in all honesty I am so unnerved as to the ruin that he will inflict on this country.
As a woman I am even more scared...prepare to have Roe v. Wade overturned ladies, and even less say in our insurance (i.e. less birth control covered by insurance, because pushs for family planning and abstinence)
And the greatest scare that I have ever felt ---- the immence of the draft being instated when Iraq erupts into civil war in January during their first "election". I already asked Hexe if I can move in with her up in Canadia (She hasn't gotten back to me yet

Very sad - And all the non-Americans on SG......please pray for us, and when people in other countries say they hate Americans, defend us. Our government has done this and helped to make us so hated in the world, and American citizens will be punished

Oh..re: Holy Blood, Holy Grail..great book.