Frustrated & Stressed out today. The next pretty much 2 months are going to determine the rest of my life (LSAT's), and where it is I will be going to law school. Beau talking about getting married. School starting. Parents asking to borrow money. Boss yelling at me. Having to be responsible for 8 grown men and their dumb ass actions (work). AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Lot of things are exciting right now (esp. marraige stuff)
but I feel like my head is going to blow off my shoulders at any second
Lot of things are exciting right now (esp. marraige stuff)

but I feel like my head is going to blow off my shoulders at any second
yeah i totally hate this state. i love summer fall and spring but despise winter.
see i like free drinks because half the time i don't have enough for a good time and alot of the time its just a friend of a friend or a bartender so....sometimes not so much.
damn chances.