so everyone needs to see.....
if you dont like it, i dont care.
so i dont really know why im posting a blog,
i dont really have much to say,
but i got sick of staring at the last one.
my sister's bday is this weekend
so we're having dinner on sunday night
and i need to do some laundry
but i havent decided whether to go home on saturday
and stay the whole weekend
or go home early sunday and just stay the day.
i dont raelly have any reason not to go home for the whole weekend, but i want one.
so if anyone wants to give me a reason PLEASE do.
pretty pretty please.
anywho, i wrote a raelly fucked up thank you letter to my ex yesterday
that included stuff like
"thank you for being the most horifically fucked up human being i've ever met
because it made me see that compared to you i'm pretty normal"
i felt like a new human being after i said all those things
id said all my goodbyes before but i never quite found the words to express everything.
but now i have and i feel like this giant weight has been lifted.
i blocked all his email addresses making it impossible for him to ever contact me again.
it just felt good.
that chapter of my life is finally closed
and im ready to move on.
so someone ask me on a date damnit!
oh and over the weekend isiness did my makeup all normal (not black
and i didnt wear any black, except my undergarmets
and my hair was all down and emo-ish
sometimes im kinda cute when i cry.

if you dont like it, i dont care.

so i dont really know why im posting a blog,
i dont really have much to say,
but i got sick of staring at the last one.
my sister's bday is this weekend
so we're having dinner on sunday night
and i need to do some laundry
but i havent decided whether to go home on saturday
and stay the whole weekend
or go home early sunday and just stay the day.
i dont raelly have any reason not to go home for the whole weekend, but i want one.
so if anyone wants to give me a reason PLEASE do.
pretty pretty please.
anywho, i wrote a raelly fucked up thank you letter to my ex yesterday
that included stuff like
"thank you for being the most horifically fucked up human being i've ever met
because it made me see that compared to you i'm pretty normal"
i felt like a new human being after i said all those things
id said all my goodbyes before but i never quite found the words to express everything.
but now i have and i feel like this giant weight has been lifted.
i blocked all his email addresses making it impossible for him to ever contact me again.
it just felt good.
that chapter of my life is finally closed
and im ready to move on.
so someone ask me on a date damnit!

oh and over the weekend isiness did my makeup all normal (not black

and i didnt wear any black, except my undergarmets
and my hair was all down and emo-ish

sometimes im kinda cute when i cry.
i gotta see that one.
aww you look so cute in that one pic
id date ya