so the weekend was pretty boring
but here i am at work on a monday
yay for more hours!
and my list of shit to do is already waiting on my work bench
i have to take apart a signature series amp
clip out the power transformer
then change it to a euro power transformer
so that we can either ship it out today or tomorrow
and get it off to italy for a show the artist is doing there.
and if im feelin really good about it
i have to sit down with the tour dates and look at where he's gonna be
and figure out which places are 220, 230, or 240
and make him a switch to change between
sooooo we'll see how that goes.
well i tried to do something fun and cute with my hair this weekend.
bleached out the front part
and at first it was like white blond at the roots and bubble gum pink where it had just been red
but then the next day it had kind of taken on a gray tint.
so needless to say that was not gonna work
so i used this really deep deep magenta that i had
and well now it's like insanely hot pink.
so we'll see how long it lasts
i may just dye it black to match the rest of my head.
well i hope everyone had a great weekend.
i better get to work
its gonna be a long short day lol.
but here i am at work on a monday
yay for more hours!
and my list of shit to do is already waiting on my work bench
i have to take apart a signature series amp
clip out the power transformer
then change it to a euro power transformer
so that we can either ship it out today or tomorrow
and get it off to italy for a show the artist is doing there.
and if im feelin really good about it
i have to sit down with the tour dates and look at where he's gonna be
and figure out which places are 220, 230, or 240
and make him a switch to change between
sooooo we'll see how that goes.
well i tried to do something fun and cute with my hair this weekend.
bleached out the front part
and at first it was like white blond at the roots and bubble gum pink where it had just been red
but then the next day it had kind of taken on a gray tint.
so needless to say that was not gonna work
so i used this really deep deep magenta that i had
and well now it's like insanely hot pink.
so we'll see how long it lasts
i may just dye it black to match the rest of my head.
well i hope everyone had a great weekend.
i better get to work
its gonna be a long short day lol.
Where is the pic of your hair????????