well looks like i'm about to close another social networking chapter in the life of... well i'd say me, but i don't really consider the internet a part of my life. in any authentic way, anyhow. this account will be closed as of september 16. i don't really associate much on here anyhow, but if for some reason you would like to keep in contact [and you're not creepy] find me here: K , although ideally i don't even really want to remain in that can of worms for too much longer either.
anyhow, good luck to everyone in all your future endeavors, and all that requisite crap people say when they leave somewhere.
peas + love,
anyhow, good luck to everyone in all your future endeavors, and all that requisite crap people say when they leave somewhere.
peas + love,
sadly i never got to know you too well, but take care and good luck in life.