Really, is it so much to ask to want to meet a girl who'd appreciate having dinner cooked for her, followed by a long, sensual massage, and then being blindfolded and punchfucked to sleep while Godflesh plays on the hi-fi?
I swear, even the most badass of y'all give me a case of the yawns recently.
I've decided that the SG Prom is a lot like a Dungeons and Dragons convention, but with nipples. Not really a big deal. Being kicked out of the hotel afterwards only served as a reminder that real rockstars don't get kicked out of hotels; they just receive ominous bills weeks later, bills which Management handles for them.
Shame, that. Real debauchery, violence, and style seem to occur more and more rarely. I haven't even wanted to flirt for far too long. As previously stated: shame that.
but as I said to a friend pf mine recently: I'd rather not fuck at all tthan sleep with someone weird.
It's far better to wake up alone than wake up next to a stranger. Strangers are weird.
And so it goes.
I'm a wee bit sleepy; I got hit hard enough in the pit tonight to almost do a backflip, but fortunately, I landed on my neck, rather than anything important..
And now, for completely inexplicable andrandom reasons, I want Vivid to tell me a bedtime story.
I swear, even the most badass of y'all give me a case of the yawns recently.
I've decided that the SG Prom is a lot like a Dungeons and Dragons convention, but with nipples. Not really a big deal. Being kicked out of the hotel afterwards only served as a reminder that real rockstars don't get kicked out of hotels; they just receive ominous bills weeks later, bills which Management handles for them.
Shame, that. Real debauchery, violence, and style seem to occur more and more rarely. I haven't even wanted to flirt for far too long. As previously stated: shame that.
but as I said to a friend pf mine recently: I'd rather not fuck at all tthan sleep with someone weird.
It's far better to wake up alone than wake up next to a stranger. Strangers are weird.
And so it goes.
I'm a wee bit sleepy; I got hit hard enough in the pit tonight to almost do a backflip, but fortunately, I landed on my neck, rather than anything important..
And now, for completely inexplicable andrandom reasons, I want Vivid to tell me a bedtime story.
Much less the boy that aparrently moved in.