For some reason, I'm thinking of magnets.
Turn them one way, and one is pudhed away feon the other.
Tun one, and the problem is resolved, the mahnets attract.
I'm thinking of magnets.
And of giving certain girls* head.
Shallow and deep. Deep and shallow.
That's me.
(For the sake of avoidance of drama, let it be known that this does not involve sisters or wingmen, past or present.)
Turn them one way, and one is pudhed away feon the other.
Tun one, and the problem is resolved, the mahnets attract.
I'm thinking of magnets.
And of giving certain girls* head.
Shallow and deep. Deep and shallow.
That's me.
(For the sake of avoidance of drama, let it be known that this does not involve sisters or wingmen, past or present.)
The inability to spell under the influence is a family trait, I see.
PS- think our Mezzican had kittens in it?