Hi guys!
It’s been a long time since I last blog!
I saw this questions around and decided to give it a go!
I previously did the 10 RANDOM FACTS ABOUT ME, MORE RANDOM FACTS ABOUT ME, the ACTORS STUDIO QUESTIONNAIRE and this Q&A on February, so you can check those out if you are interested to know me a bit better!
1. Do you like blue cheese?
Yes! I love most kinds of cheese :)
2. Coke or Pepsi?
I drink both, but I prefer Coke
3. Do you own a gun?
No and actually, I’m against gun ownership by citizens.
4. What flavor Kool-Aid?
It’s been years since I drank Kool-Aid, but I liked Passion Fruit (don’t know if this flavor is available everywhere) or Orange.
5. What do you think of hot dogs?
I like it.
6. Favorite TV show?
Currently my favorite show is Westworld!
7. Favorite Movie?
Though question, can’t choose one.
8. What do you drink in the morning?
Water and than a latte.
9. Can you do a push up?
Yes, but probably not more than 5.
10 Favorite jewelry?
I don’t wear jewelry.
11. Favorite hobby’s?
Read, watch Netflix and eat.
12. Do you have A.D H.D.?
I don’t.
13. Do you wear glasses?
Yes, all day everyday.
14. Favorite cartoon character?
Rick from Rick and Morty.
15. Three things I did today?
Is pretty early in the morning, so far I just woke up, took a hot shower and made this blog.
16. Three things you drink regularly?
Water, ice tea and Coke.
17. Current dislike?
18. Favorite place to go?
Anywhere with good food and company.
19. How did you bring in the New Year?
As in my Japanese family tradition I was eating noodles on NYE.
20. Where would you like to go?
I want to travel the whole world, but I have a thing for Europe, and I’d like to live anywhere over there for a few years and travel around the continent.
21. Name five people who will do this?
Whoever want’s to.
22. Favorite color?
Bluish Green.
23. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
I've never slept in satin sheets, but I reckon I would like it very much.
24. Can you whistle?
Yes, but not very well, and definitely not in tune.
25. What am I doing right now?
Multitasking: Doing this blog, editing some photos, answering emails, chatting on telegram and so on...
26. Would you be a pirate?
I get sea sick, so no.
27. Favorite food?
Japanese cuisine, definitely!
28. Last thing that made you laugh?
Can’t remember, but probably some stupid meme some friend sent me.
29. Last time you received flowers?
I received flowers from my favorite aunt on my 8th birthday, I think.
30. Most recent injury?
I fell on the street a few months ago and bust my knee open.
31. How many pets are in your house?
I have a black cat and a pug. The cat is a boy and his name is Shoyu (like in soy sauce) and the pug is a girl and her name is Melissa. Love them very much.
32. Worst pain ever?
So far in this life: Mumps.
33. Do you like to dance?
Nope, too self conscious for that.
34. Are your parents still alive?
My mum is, my dad past away when I was 17.
35. Do you love your life?
36. Summer or Winter?
37. How many grandchildren do you have?
38. Car or Van?
I would love to have a van and convert it into a camper and live in it while traveling through Europe. But I can’t even drive :(
39. People Person?
40. Best day of my life?
Too soon to tell, but so far I think my trip to Disney World was pretty epic.
That's it! I love this kind of blog as a way to share a bit more about me with you guys, who are always so nice and supportive!
Thanks for reading this far.
'till next time!
@rambo @missy