Monday Oct 06, 2003 Oct 6, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email I found a job Go me.. I walked in asked for the application on friday and i've already worked 13 hours.. lol.. Not a whole heck of a lot but still better than a big fat nothing PLUS... I've lost like three more pounds.. lol I love my life stgeorge: *waves* Hello there, and how are you? What a delightful sounding town you come from. Oct 8, 2003 stgeorge: That's good. You live in a place you like, you're own little Paradise. look great, what's with the weight loss?!? Look cute as you are. xx Oct 10, 2003
What a delightful sounding town you come from. look great, what's with the weight loss?!? Look cute as you are. xx