Unending love - Rabindranath Tagore
I seem to have loved you
in numberless forms,
in numberless times
In life after Life
in age after age forever
My spell-bound heart has made and re-made
the necklace of songs
That you take as a gift
Wear round your neck
in your many forms
In life after life
In age after age, forever...
That is how I feel about him...
This is what he sent me...
Jenny kissed me- Leigh Hunt
Jenny kissed me when we met
Jumping from the chair she sat in
Time you thief, who love to get
Sweets into your list, put that in
Say I'm weary; say i'm sad
Say that health and wealth have missed me
Say I'm growing old but add --
Jenny kissed me!
I was all awwww..
I love him soooo much.. Yay for me..