Well i suck big time..
I got this great man, and i freaking cheated on him. Nothing too serious.. I mean.. serious enough, but no actual sex was involved..
Now he's all concerned that I'm going to do it again. And I can't honestly say that it will never happen again.. I have cheated on every man I've ever been with.. So who's to say...
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I got this great man, and i freaking cheated on him. Nothing too serious.. I mean.. serious enough, but no actual sex was involved..
Now he's all concerned that I'm going to do it again. And I can't honestly say that it will never happen again.. I have cheated on every man I've ever been with.. So who's to say...
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I found a job

PLUS... I've lost like three more pounds.. lol
I love my life

*waves* Hello there, and how are you?
What a delightful sounding town you come from.
What a delightful sounding town you come from.
That's good. You live in a place you like, you're own little Paradise.
PLUS....you look great, what's with the weight loss?!? Look cute as you are. xx
PLUS....you look great, what's with the weight loss?!? Look cute as you are. xx

I've lost twelve pounds since I started talking to Dustin.. Yay..

and I found them. 

Me too...they're under my eyes from lack of sleep

Didn't get the job at the coffee house. Dustin says that it's because i'm too good for that job..

i went to a classmates birthday party tonight.. it was fun. I totally got wasted.. And some guy i think his name was henry ?? Totally hit on me..
It was incredibly flattering and I would have been interested in him normally if it weren't for the love of my life.. Henry was all "come here" and we were only standing two feet apart.. I...
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It was incredibly flattering and I would have been interested in him normally if it weren't for the love of my life.. Henry was all "come here" and we were only standing two feet apart.. I...
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I haven't seen you in a week.
To see that see on the web cam blink.
I stand outside and look toward the sky
Not an IM, Hello or goodbye
I look at the sterile face of my IM friend. Waiting for it to turn yellow again..
To see that see on the web cam blink.
I stand outside and look toward the sky
Not an IM, Hello or goodbye
I look at the sterile face of my IM friend. Waiting for it to turn yellow again..
Got a call back for a second interview at the coffee shop yesterday.. I go tomorrow right after class..
Plus what was going on yesterday isn't actually what was going on.. nothings over or changed.. yay


Plus what was going on yesterday isn't actually what was going on.. nothings over or changed.. yay

go you! ! ! i could never work at a coffee shop, sleep would just cease to exist to me
Look at me I'm twenty three
Beautiful a sight to see
A little dress to draw the press
And I'll be leaving
All the rest behind
Well be pleased girl
If this is what you wanted
The whole world is watching you take the stage
What will you say
Aren't I lovely
And do you want me cause
I am hungry for something that...
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Beautiful a sight to see
A little dress to draw the press
And I'll be leaving
All the rest behind
Well be pleased girl
If this is what you wanted
The whole world is watching you take the stage
What will you say
Aren't I lovely
And do you want me cause
I am hungry for something that...
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hmmmm, depressing.

Unending love - Rabindranath Tagore
I seem to have loved you
in numberless forms,
in numberless times
In life after Life
in age after age forever
My spell-bound heart has made and re-made
the necklace of songs
That you take as a gift
Wear round your neck
in your many forms
In life after life
In age after age, forever...

That is how I feel...
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Went for a job interview today at a coffee house.. I totally think
i nailed it.. but then again I could have just bombed and he
was pleasent anyway.. lol.. oh well.. we'll see..

Woo Hoo, check out these two all crazy in love! 

Good luck!!

Well i told you about my significant other thinking i'm too fat
to be attractive.. well recently life has been getting really stressfull
cause I want to be with other people who do find me attractive.
So in my miserable state I have started becoming very sick all the time
I eat then I throw it up immedeately.. and most times I can't even
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yeah.. I think deBreard has got the right Idea.
Please be good to yourself .. Ok?
Please be good to yourself .. Ok?
My hair has left me at a reasonably young age, and I still get hot girls. I bet if you ignore the weight issue you'll find that most guys don't care, really truly.
A cute face and a good attitude is what drives people--much moreso than the body-cosmetic details.
(And if you don't have a cute face, which you do however, I guess then, you're fucked.)
Don't beat yourself up over it, we're all on this site because we're different from mainstream society in the first place, right?
Good luck!
[Edited on Sep 06, 2003]
A cute face and a good attitude is what drives people--much moreso than the body-cosmetic details.
(And if you don't have a cute face, which you do however, I guess then, you're fucked.)
Don't beat yourself up over it, we're all on this site because we're different from mainstream society in the first place, right?
Good luck!
[Edited on Sep 06, 2003]
i feel like i'm standing on one leg on a plank over
a sea full of boiling lava...
scary yet exhillirating..
a sea full of boiling lava...

scary yet exhillirating..

Ah my whole life was been full of conditional friends, conditional girlsfriends, even a conditional wife...
Sometimes you just can't control what life gives to you.
Sometimes you just can't control what life gives to you.
Thank for the help. Sorry about yesterday. Things started Right after I got off the phone with you so abruptly. Agagin SORRY. Did like for you online. Was goingto take you out for a drink. I sure needed one. alright wanted one.
life is so funny..
I met this amazing guy.. just moments
after I swore off men.. we hit it off immedeately.. and
as it happens.. he's moving out of the area this week..
it sucks..
but whatever I guess.. life happens.. we atleast
get to hang out a few times before he leaves.. grr..
oh, my mother totally laid into me this morning cause I...
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after I swore off men.. we hit it off immedeately.. and
as it happens.. he's moving out of the area this week..

it sucks..

get to hang out a few times before he leaves.. grr..
oh, my mother totally laid into me this morning cause I...
Read More
isn't that always the way?
but better to have some quality time than no time at all, right?
but better to have some quality time than no time at all, right?
Everybody has been there. We've all made mistakes.
You just have to get over it and get on with it.
Sure your bloke will forgive you if he really loves you.
[Edited on Oct 30, 2003 10:44AM]
[Edited on Oct 30, 2003 10:45AM]
It would be lovely to hear how you are, it's been too long since you updated your journal.
Hope you are well.