i started to collect all the pictures i took in my time in paris ans le mans.
in germany we say: "living like god in france" .. and its true

i have had the best time of my life. the wonderful vanille showed me so many places, tastes and people.

very stormy weather in the beginning..
i saw a lot of nice street arts:
and also a lot of nice galleries like the david lynch exhibition in paris
i very nice guy and friend of marine, ente joined us for the exhibition and a party with friends in the evening.
and works from
in paris works a pixelartist who performes a lot of oldschool video game charackters on buildings
in le mans i met
xoss, poopy and xavier and after a great evening full of food and beer, xoss invited me to the warm-up of the 24 hours of le mans. THANKS FOR THAT DUDE!
there is a lot of additional stuff waiting to get online
thansk for the great time dear vanille
ach egal, du bist fr alles zu beneiden
hast du dir wenigstens den hoch heiligen film "le mans" angeschaut? ein film fr echte mnner