1200 km - 21 hours - 2 removals - 3 persons
yesterday i helped two friends of mine to make her removal.
we have to move the stuff of one of them from erfurt to cologne. damn long distance. after we arrived in erfurt we walked through the city for a quick holliday feeling. erfurt is that much german. when we arrived back in cologne it was 11 pm and all the great helpers are missing. friday evening.. so we have had to carry the whole stuff of two flats by 5 people.. waaah.. but finally it was a fun and my fuckin back is hurting.

yesterday i helped two friends of mine to make her removal.
we have to move the stuff of one of them from erfurt to cologne. damn long distance. after we arrived in erfurt we walked through the city for a quick holliday feeling. erfurt is that much german. when we arrived back in cologne it was 11 pm and all the great helpers are missing. friday evening.. so we have had to carry the whole stuff of two flats by 5 people.. waaah.. but finally it was a fun and my fuckin back is hurting.

ich hasse es, wenn von den versprochenen helfern der grte teil nicht erscheint! scheint zwangslufig mit umzgen verbunden zu sein. bei unserem letzten erschien gott sei dank nur einer nicht!