Hey @missy @rambo
My favorite fictional villain would be Kylo Ren! I don’t know if he is a villain at all (at least he is in the force awakens) but I love everything of that character!
I love his design (costume & lightsaber) but the thing I love more of him is his evolution into Ben Solo 😍 for me he is the best thing of Star Wars. He also has changed my life because I met my husband and my best friend thanks to Kylo ❤️
Long live the Supreme Leader!
Agreed, maybe we can get a little prequel trilogy like they did for Anakin to see him go to the dark side. Figure out more than just in place stunt doubles that were the knight of REN.
Wish that happens! Would be very a awesome. The Knights of Ren have been a real disappointment in the film, maybe if disney make a tv show about them, it could be awesome too :3 @theslowrunner