i have never in my legal drinking adult life ever ever went to a bar by myself...and i am SOOO GLAD i did! it was so cool and i had so much fun (the ride home sucked)...the coffee was bad and i was tired. but the vogue's sound guy asked if i wanted to stand up with him...seeing was a little difficult. so weeee, that was very fun. before that i met a guy from the blue monkey side show in indy..who was quite cool. after the show i was hanging out talking with the sound guy and the blue monkey man comes up and asks if i want to go back to the band room with some other people and the band...
yes, that would be nice i said smiling sweetly. the rev was completely passed out in the bus but i got to hang out with scott and jimbo for awhile. there was quite a lively conversation about music being influential to younger bands..surf, punk, metal and jazz ect. anyway it was alot of fun..

you tell me! ;-) i hope you have a good holiday, and, if you want, come to the vid to see me anytime next week... or 2nd story on new year's. ;-)
i hope you have a good holiday too...hmmm the vid next week? boy, that would be 2 times in 2 weeks that i went into a bar by myself...don't know if my pshyche could handle that one.
i might try though...i would love to be at 2nd story on new years. last year was alot of fun there but i'll be in chicago for the weekend this year.