OKAY!!!! i just have a couple of things to say...first of all. the rev was awesome, incredible, hot and wonderful as usual. jimbo was completely kick ass and scott was ....wow scott was wow. BUT i have never ever heard the sound system the bird sound as shitty as it sounded last night. what the fucking fuck!!!!! did anyone else think so..alot of it sounded muffled. i don't know...they were incredible and i loved it...had a blast! but i'm just saying that the acoustics and the sound system could have been better!!! i just need to say the vogue is a much better venue to see them at! and i can't wait till i see them saturday night at the vogue...i know i know...i've had my tickets to that one for 6 weeks. i'm woman enough to admit compulsive obsession!

talk to you soon,..