I just keep neglecting this thing, probably because I update my LiveJournal daily. So I don't really have anything to say here and I don't feel like cutting and pasting.
I've been so incredibly busy recently it's not even funny. More school work than I've ever had (and I only have four classes) has seen me buried under books and papers. Add to that thirty hours at work each week, and that seriously cuts down on my leisure time. And my writing time for non-school related things like this journal. Hopefully things will calm down soon.
I've been so incredibly busy recently it's not even funny. More school work than I've ever had (and I only have four classes) has seen me buried under books and papers. Add to that thirty hours at work each week, and that seriously cuts down on my leisure time. And my writing time for non-school related things like this journal. Hopefully things will calm down soon.
hey thanx for your comment on my set x