It's been ten days, so it's probably time for an update. Nothing much going on besides reading, writing papers, studying, and exams. In other words, the usual school shit. Got a decent grade on my first exam, so that's good.
The wedding last Saturday was fine, but the aftermath was incredibly uncomfortable. My ex tried to be all nice and friendly like nothing has happened between us, which is total bullshit. I'd rather she didn't even talk to me. Oh well, at least I got to see George Carlin live afterwards, which took my mind off of the ex and her new boytoy. Nothing like incredibly offensive humor to make a guy feel better.
The wedding last Saturday was fine, but the aftermath was incredibly uncomfortable. My ex tried to be all nice and friendly like nothing has happened between us, which is total bullshit. I'd rather she didn't even talk to me. Oh well, at least I got to see George Carlin live afterwards, which took my mind off of the ex and her new boytoy. Nothing like incredibly offensive humor to make a guy feel better.

I'll probably keep my blond. Temp black for Halloween. Thanks for commenting about it.