Hmmm, a month since my last update. Probably time to do a new one then.

I live in a college apartment with three other guys. Well, I should say I lived in an apartment with three other guys. Now one of my roommates' girlfriends has moved in. Which is fine and all, except that I have more in common with her than he does. That's...
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I'm sorry you felt that way... I mean I know I'm a tease and all - but I didn't mean for it to be torture! I Love Yas, and only want good things for you. I hope now that we are not living together things will be easier on you. I look at it this way, Joseph is getting better ... but will never truly understand me in this area. That is fine. It allows our friendship to have a special bond. I understand you. *BIG HUGS and a Kiss on the Cheek* miao!!
I am sick and tired of school. I should be graduating this semester, but a change of majors means that I've got at least another two semesters ahead of me. And it's the same old same old, same crap I've dealt with since high school. *sigh*

Anybody want to give me a degree so I can just get out of here?
Wow, I must have been really tired. I posted a comment instead of a journal entry...ah well. Time to get back into school mode.

Is it summer yet?
I plan on taking some pics tomorrow... not sure if I'm gonna use a wig or not though. wink
it's pink... trust me wink
Christmas time means leaving campus and going home. For me, that means leaving Indiana and going off to England. Most people think it's exciting, but it's boring for me. Anyway, have a great holiday everyone, don't know how much I can get on to SG while I'm away (something about having nosy parents and one computer with the internet in the house). Hope everyone gets...
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Jet lag sucks. Which is why I'm awake when it's still dark. I should probably unpack, but who wants to do that?
Garnet wanted me to post some poetry, so I dug this up:

I want to believe
I want to believe in truth
I don't believe in truth
For me there is no truth
I want to believe in truth

I want to believe
I want to believe in faith
I don't believe in faith
For me there is no faith
I want to believe in...
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Binder clips ONLY go on papers - trust me! OUCH!! Those little suckers would fucking hurt!
OMG!! You got your T3! Rockin! biggrin I love mine. I hope that you like it. I'm sure I could do much more with mine than I do... I just don't know how. hehe
Okay, I'm tired of seeing that "user has no entries" page. If you want to find out what's going on in my life (usually not much), head here: Open for Ventilation (My LiveJournal)
its a PC - he found out it was a problem with a driver he installed on his computer

it's fixed now - no more funny racecar- speed porn.... frown
Cys has offered many times to keep me handcuffed in our bedroom to keep me from work....

Yeah I suck - I have that guilt thing... I keep making myself go to work like a good girl.... SOMEONE STOP ME!!!! lol...