Ok now that I got that out of my system I can make an entry. So ya I feel great work today went so well. Even better I am going camping in a couple weeks and moving in just over a month. And I even bought a new pair of pants. Overall fun fun fun.
So I was with some friends playing Munchkin with neco wafers and playing with the animals it was cool. Though after I realized that these friends were well sadly enough not really friends more like just people to be with and even worse I caught myself describing them as either rich desert good in small bits but to much will make you fat and sick, or like picking your nose in public you just pray no one sees you doing it. Ya that was the nightThey just arent people that I would usually associate with but for no particular reason I mean I am weird and I am a dork so that isnt it.just arent really my kind of peoplebut they are all friends with one of mine so it is ok now and again you know.
Ok one more thing before I go and I dont want to offend anyone because I am a big Harry potter fan but a couple of my friends are going to be waiting in line all day before it comes out to be the first to buy it at midnight. Now ok I am a geek and I love it too but I can wait a day or two or three to buy it and read it. I mean are they really going to read all 896 pages that same night. Ok now that I am off my shoebox can someone explain that to me?
Smile goodnight everyone. Talk to you soon

Ok now that I got that out of my system I can make an entry. So ya I feel great work today went so well. Even better I am going camping in a couple weeks and moving in just over a month. And I even bought a new pair of pants. Overall fun fun fun.
So I was with some friends playing Munchkin with neco wafers and playing with the animals it was cool. Though after I realized that these friends were well sadly enough not really friends more like just people to be with and even worse I caught myself describing them as either rich desert good in small bits but to much will make you fat and sick, or like picking your nose in public you just pray no one sees you doing it. Ya that was the nightThey just arent people that I would usually associate with but for no particular reason I mean I am weird and I am a dork so that isnt it.just arent really my kind of peoplebut they are all friends with one of mine so it is ok now and again you know.
Ok one more thing before I go and I dont want to offend anyone because I am a big Harry potter fan but a couple of my friends are going to be waiting in line all day before it comes out to be the first to buy it at midnight. Now ok I am a geek and I love it too but I can wait a day or two or three to buy it and read it. I mean are they really going to read all 896 pages that same night. Ok now that I am off my shoebox can someone explain that to me?
Smile goodnight everyone. Talk to you soon
Its ok, I'm not leaving my house on Saturday. I preordered my copy on Amazon, and they said that I would get it on Sat. I'm sitting on my couch with a pack of cigarettes and my new Harry Potter and kicking everyone out of the house. I will be a happy Fractal.
i am a bad dork, i dont like harry potter. what is wrong with me?