Wow it's been a while since i've blogged about anything. Don't know if it's because i've just been lazy and don't want to put the effort or just because nothing too exciting has happened. Let us see, my girlfriend is good and so is our relationship as far as i know. Still got a somewhat decent job. It pays the bills and lets me eat. Apartment is suitable and somewhat clean. i'd make the other 2 people that live here clean more, but it's not worth the hassle. Truck is running somewhat, she hasn't died on me though i've spent a few hundred in repair parts. I'm really glad i got it off my pops cheap. Speaking of which my family is well and the dogs are okay. Though my weiner dog is about 17 and nearly blind, but still acts like a puppy when i come to visit. I miss him a lot though i wasn't the greatest owner when i was home. I hope i can get a house and move him out here eventually. On the downside my PC died and i won't be able to afford the replacement parts til after xmas. I spent way too much money of gifts for my family. It really is better to give than receive. Lets see....other than that...ummm....getting regular sex is really nice....yeah this is why i don't blog much. 

Oh thanks ! That's really touching, and your words brought me a wide smile