i bought a new laptop so i'll be able to get on SG when i get home now. Still same shit just a different day. Feeling a little better about everything going on in my life> i guess it just takes a few hours of reading comics from many years ago to center me.
I only know one person on SG who will appreciate this as much as i do, and i can't wait to hear from them again.


I wonder how many girls on SG have gone through this moment

I have an strange feeling my future will contain a situation almost like this
"I got no rudder. Wind blows Northerly, I go North. That's who I am."
I only know one person on SG who will appreciate this as much as i do, and i can't wait to hear from them again.


I wonder how many girls on SG have gone through this moment

I have an strange feeling my future will contain a situation almost like this

"I got no rudder. Wind blows Northerly, I go North. That's who I am."
my photog teacher had a peep obsession he says they are the epitomy of pop culture. and i think hes right. but hes still a fag for having an office full of peeps. hehe
the last 2 comics=ultimate also.
hows the weather over there
This automatically makes you cool by me.