Sadly i do not think i can afford to renew my membership this month. Hopefully soon i will be back here and keep in touch with some of the most amazing people i've met and chatted with.
Slowly moving into the new apartment. It's a bit more each month, but I don't have to deal with 2 catty roommates. So that is the big plus. Also Ariel seems so much happier there then our current place. It'll be a bit cramped with all the pets, but it'll be cozy. Yay life...
Let us see. What is new. I'm no longer going to get a house because i've finally got a clue of what career i want to pursue, but it requires me to not have a home at the moment and to attend college to get a degree. My life is taking a different path, but this one seems to be the right one...for now.
Good to hear from you, I need to txt you since I got a cell phone now. I am happy to hear you got good stuff going on with your life. You are an awesome guy and I miss seeing you around hope we can hang out sometime or I see you at Club SG when it opens next year!
House hunting 100 miles away from the current home is not fun, but hopefully we'll find one we love. The last one was great, but needed way too much exterior work. If anyone still reads this wish me luck. Remember the bigger the house, the more guest rooms i can have.
I was honestly speaking from the heart with those lyrics. Every time I post lyrics they are how I feel and mean something to me because it's easiest to let someone else do the speaking for me sometimes...most of the time.
I am going thru some tough times and those lyrics mean what they were meant to mean when written by Reznor.
I just sent the final deck off to a Print On Demand company to run off a few prototype copies to demo with at the Essen games fair. It's going to be freaky to hold a "real" copy of the deck after all this time of steering artists in creating it from the void.
It should be out around March. But the Print & Play beta is out now, if you've got a pair of scissors and a few hours on your hands to put it together.
I found out today my mom has breast cancer...i really don't know how to react to this. I'm just going to be strong and support her as much as i can. I'm really clueless of how to react. My girlfriend is worried about me because i'm taking this so well.
Oh wow, my close friend's mother just died of colorectal cancer due to her having Crohn's disease for such a long time. I am very sorry to hear your mother is suffering from cancer, too.
My thoughts are with you. I hope to see you around sometime as well. I miss you dude. I will leave my number with you in your inbox if you wanna talk to me, okay?
Much love,
Bought Luna a squeaky squirrel today so we could have something to play fetch with. Not only does she maul it, but she decides to drown it in her water dish. I love my evil puppy.
I not dead. Just very busy and tired of moving. Finally done. No more apartment. Now i'm living in house with girlfriend and her friends and a bit of her family. So tired and not organized. I need some time to settle down.