It is cruel and unusual punishment to make students do elaborate projects on ancient technology. It's cruel not only to the students, who are often younger than the computers they're forced to work on, but it is also cruel to teachers who spend hours and hours trying to make the technology work for such required projects.
I swear, these Macs we're on are about 12 years old and aren't even compatible with themselves anymore. I worked a total of 11 hours after school this week (including until 5 on my son's 1st b-day) trying to make the pages stay formatted long enough to print them. Difficult, as the Stylewriter II kept going offline, insisting it was jammed, and refusing to print whole blocks of text.
At what point do I just throw in the towel and say, "Well, kids, you've put out a swell paper. Sorry we can't get it off the computer for you to keep."?
I swear, these Macs we're on are about 12 years old and aren't even compatible with themselves anymore. I worked a total of 11 hours after school this week (including until 5 on my son's 1st b-day) trying to make the pages stay formatted long enough to print them. Difficult, as the Stylewriter II kept going offline, insisting it was jammed, and refusing to print whole blocks of text.
At what point do I just throw in the towel and say, "Well, kids, you've put out a swell paper. Sorry we can't get it off the computer for you to keep."?
Well It was closed for incoming but if you need to get your car you can go in but obviously the po-po's new I wasn't there to retrieve my car. Oppression man!
Down with the man!