The Questions!
Lately my blogs have been the biggest downers and I often worry I'm losing a sense of who I am in my illnesses, in my job hunt, in my depression. So I came up with this idea to go back in time a bit and create one of those old school myspace blog questionnaire both so you guys can get to know me a bit better and I can sort out who I am again! (I'll be googling random questionnaires and just stealing questions from them.) I welcome you to then copy the questionnaire to your blog and fill it out for yourself! but please add a question of your own! and I'll do a new blog in a bit answering the new ones!
this is gonna be fun!
1.)What do you think about before you fall asleep at night?
-I have trouble shutting down my brain, so I tend to think of the next day in a step by step format, starting with getting out of bed.
2.)If you won a weekend destination anywhere world wide this weekend, where would you go?
-Somewhere new, I love new adventures.
3.) Biggest Turn on - Collarbones, Necks, Shoulders. The entire area, and it's shadows are just :o Today in chat this happened.

Tell me that's not hot! go on!
4.) top 5 Artists on iTunes
-Laura Veirs
-Summer Camp
-Dum Dum Girls
-Amanda Palmer
5.)What is your biggest "What if?"
- I would say mine is more based on what couldn't be changed by me but rather the question of "What if I wasn't sick?"
6.)Favorite thing to cook
-Pie, no question. I love baking pies, and my yellow ceramic pie dish was one of the few things I brought with me in the two bags of everything I owned under 50lbs when I moved to the UK and back.
7.) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 26, give me line 7
"Most of What's known about Chapman comes from accounts left by the many settlers who welcomed him into their cabins, offering the famous appleman/evangelist a meal and a place to sleep." - The Botany of Desire, Michael Pollan (This part is about the real Johnny Appleseed!
8.) Do you have more female friends or male friends?
-Honestly I feel I don't have more of either. though I will say that I almost always have a best male friend who listens to my every problem online, and a best female friend in real life who I hang out with every second I can. This has proven a constant throughout my life.
9.) what's something you tried as an adult that you loved as a child and were sorely disappointed?
-We were really poor when I was little so I rarely got brand name treats, but I always remember kraft macaroni and cheese being far better then it is in reality. I try to avoid eating it solely so it doesn't ruin the memory completely.
10.) Who was the last person you held hands with?
-my best friend Lexy while she got her piercing.
11.)Would you rather live without TV or Music?
-TV all the way. intact I've never owned my own TV. I don't like TV very much but I'm obsessed with music and going to shows.
12.) what are you currently addicted to?
- my "Fluffy Bunny" Lotion, Lemonade and water, iced coffee (even though it kills my stomach), Minecraft
13.) What's your ultimate deal breaker?
-Wanting kids, I really do not ever want kids and can not see myself being serious with someone who does.
14.) Last movie you saw in theaters?
-The Muppets! I don't go to theaters often to be fair!
15.)Do you collect anything?
-Most people would say Yarn, Toy and vintage cameras, cute earrings
16.) Favorite flavor of ice cream?
-Bubble Gum!
17.) Your biggest pet peeve?
-someone asked me this the other day which is what made me think of the question. and it left me thinking about it asking now I'd answer with not getting someones full attention. I'm a total attention whore and there will always be times I need to know you're listening to me, not thinking about yourself or how you relate, just listening to me.
18.) What bands you've seen live
-Buck Cherry, Wild Flag, Best Coast, the Vaselines, Laura Veirs, Summer Camp, Slow Club, The Brownies, We are Evergreen, Pains of Being Pure at Heart, Amanda Palmer, Cake, Ingrid Michelson, I'm sure there are more but those are the memorable ones.
19.) Describe your ideal "type"
-Tall, Thin, Geeky, Caring, Intelligent, Witty.
20.) How many pillows do you sleep with?
-Two but I often use my Teddy as a pillow also.
I'd like to see people post their own answers in their blog! and yes please add a question to the list!
Lately my blogs have been the biggest downers and I often worry I'm losing a sense of who I am in my illnesses, in my job hunt, in my depression. So I came up with this idea to go back in time a bit and create one of those old school myspace blog questionnaire both so you guys can get to know me a bit better and I can sort out who I am again! (I'll be googling random questionnaires and just stealing questions from them.) I welcome you to then copy the questionnaire to your blog and fill it out for yourself! but please add a question of your own! and I'll do a new blog in a bit answering the new ones!
this is gonna be fun!
1.)What do you think about before you fall asleep at night?
-I have trouble shutting down my brain, so I tend to think of the next day in a step by step format, starting with getting out of bed.
2.)If you won a weekend destination anywhere world wide this weekend, where would you go?
-Somewhere new, I love new adventures.
3.) Biggest Turn on - Collarbones, Necks, Shoulders. The entire area, and it's shadows are just :o Today in chat this happened.

Tell me that's not hot! go on!
4.) top 5 Artists on iTunes
-Laura Veirs
-Summer Camp
-Dum Dum Girls
-Amanda Palmer
5.)What is your biggest "What if?"
- I would say mine is more based on what couldn't be changed by me but rather the question of "What if I wasn't sick?"
6.)Favorite thing to cook
-Pie, no question. I love baking pies, and my yellow ceramic pie dish was one of the few things I brought with me in the two bags of everything I owned under 50lbs when I moved to the UK and back.
7.) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 26, give me line 7
"Most of What's known about Chapman comes from accounts left by the many settlers who welcomed him into their cabins, offering the famous appleman/evangelist a meal and a place to sleep." - The Botany of Desire, Michael Pollan (This part is about the real Johnny Appleseed!
8.) Do you have more female friends or male friends?
-Honestly I feel I don't have more of either. though I will say that I almost always have a best male friend who listens to my every problem online, and a best female friend in real life who I hang out with every second I can. This has proven a constant throughout my life.
9.) what's something you tried as an adult that you loved as a child and were sorely disappointed?
-We were really poor when I was little so I rarely got brand name treats, but I always remember kraft macaroni and cheese being far better then it is in reality. I try to avoid eating it solely so it doesn't ruin the memory completely.
10.) Who was the last person you held hands with?
-my best friend Lexy while she got her piercing.
11.)Would you rather live without TV or Music?
-TV all the way. intact I've never owned my own TV. I don't like TV very much but I'm obsessed with music and going to shows.
12.) what are you currently addicted to?
- my "Fluffy Bunny" Lotion, Lemonade and water, iced coffee (even though it kills my stomach), Minecraft
13.) What's your ultimate deal breaker?
-Wanting kids, I really do not ever want kids and can not see myself being serious with someone who does.
14.) Last movie you saw in theaters?
-The Muppets! I don't go to theaters often to be fair!
15.)Do you collect anything?
-Most people would say Yarn, Toy and vintage cameras, cute earrings
16.) Favorite flavor of ice cream?
-Bubble Gum!
17.) Your biggest pet peeve?
-someone asked me this the other day which is what made me think of the question. and it left me thinking about it asking now I'd answer with not getting someones full attention. I'm a total attention whore and there will always be times I need to know you're listening to me, not thinking about yourself or how you relate, just listening to me.
18.) What bands you've seen live
-Buck Cherry, Wild Flag, Best Coast, the Vaselines, Laura Veirs, Summer Camp, Slow Club, The Brownies, We are Evergreen, Pains of Being Pure at Heart, Amanda Palmer, Cake, Ingrid Michelson, I'm sure there are more but those are the memorable ones.
19.) Describe your ideal "type"
-Tall, Thin, Geeky, Caring, Intelligent, Witty.
20.) How many pillows do you sleep with?
-Two but I often use my Teddy as a pillow also.
I'd like to see people post their own answers in their blog! and yes please add a question to the list!
I'm mid-blog!!