Well I've arrived safely, home sweet home or some shit.
It's nice, I haven't seen my family in over a year so it's nice to see everyone, I'm sure I'll start getting a bit bored quite quickly, specially as I'm living in a quite rural area and as I'm sure you realize I'm a city girl for sure, moved to NYC the second I turned 18 and to London at 21. I'm not far from Boston though so I'm hoping to travel up there a bit, maybe even start up some Boston SG meets?
I successfully cut everything down to two bags of everything I own. though now that I'm settled I'm hardcore craving some shopping, though that won't happen till I get a job. I've been creating a new US wishlist to keep my shopping at bay with a bit of online window shopping. For now I'm going to relax, I need the mental relaxation more then anything.
It's nice, I haven't seen my family in over a year so it's nice to see everyone, I'm sure I'll start getting a bit bored quite quickly, specially as I'm living in a quite rural area and as I'm sure you realize I'm a city girl for sure, moved to NYC the second I turned 18 and to London at 21. I'm not far from Boston though so I'm hoping to travel up there a bit, maybe even start up some Boston SG meets?
I successfully cut everything down to two bags of everything I own. though now that I'm settled I'm hardcore craving some shopping, though that won't happen till I get a job. I've been creating a new US wishlist to keep my shopping at bay with a bit of online window shopping. For now I'm going to relax, I need the mental relaxation more then anything.
Apparently it's Coralista tinted lip gloss by Benefit, along with the missus' own naturally dark lips and a little tweaking in photoshop ...
Hey Kai, hope to catch up with you soon, if your rural hometown is so boring, that's surely more reason to be online eh? (actuall y I'd be promoting you to do other, productive thimgs instead)