School starts officially on Friday apparently, though this week is full of Orientations and what not. I've tackled a bit of my to do list and also done quite a bit of things off of the to do list some of them which really should have been on there....
-Visited Kew Gardens for the first time
-Went to Bristol, was lovely seeing Kristoph, TheKnives, Pinklet, and Narsharda
-Got a new roommate Reuben_<3 our teddies cuddle when we're away.
-Spent a lot of time cuddling my teddy in bed.
-Did a lot of boring important things to prepare for uni starting when I have no time to do anything.
-Straightened my hair for a bit
Off of my list I..
-Got my home knitting classes off to a roaring start!
-Used up atleast one piece of my yarn stash! I made a hat for winter.
-Bought and Read 1 book on Suburbia for my dissertation
-Settled for an A4 Moleskine Sketchbook for my IDA report so far, It will all be scanned in anywho so this may change.
-Done a few sketches here and there in preparation of school.
-Dyed My Hair, went back to a light red color.
-Cooked a Whole Bunch

-Made the perfect Margarita.
All and all I'm happy with what I've done. Now it's time to clean my flat so that it can be spotless for when I go back!
-Visited Kew Gardens for the first time

-Went to Bristol, was lovely seeing Kristoph, TheKnives, Pinklet, and Narsharda

-Got a new roommate Reuben_<3 our teddies cuddle when we're away.

-Spent a lot of time cuddling my teddy in bed.
-Did a lot of boring important things to prepare for uni starting when I have no time to do anything.
-Straightened my hair for a bit

Off of my list I..
-Got my home knitting classes off to a roaring start!
-Used up atleast one piece of my yarn stash! I made a hat for winter.

-Bought and Read 1 book on Suburbia for my dissertation
-Settled for an A4 Moleskine Sketchbook for my IDA report so far, It will all be scanned in anywho so this may change.
-Done a few sketches here and there in preparation of school.

-Dyed My Hair, went back to a light red color.
-Cooked a Whole Bunch

-Made the perfect Margarita.
All and all I'm happy with what I've done. Now it's time to clean my flat so that it can be spotless for when I go back!
I liked that Best Coast song. I've liked stuff of theirs that I've heard on the radio well enough, but have never really been fussed about going any further. I do like her voice though.
I heard this next one for the first time last night. Well, I've seen her (with the same band) live, and have one of her other albums... but I hadn't heard about this album until now. I think much of her stuff is more perky than this... but I think this is one of the most gorgeous songs I've heard in a long time:
(again, I don't have a good feeling about that one, but I can't help myself because the song is so good).
I'll get to Berlin on Thursday... but I fly to Hamburg tonorrow. I'm spending a few days there, and then getting the train to Berlin. Perhaps I'm looking forward to Berlin more... but there's not much in it really. And I'm going to a game of football in Hamburg, which was what kicked the whole trip off in the first place.
You must be excited about going to Russia. Are you going to Moscow? And is this where I ask how cold it's going to be in November?