Well, i'm planning my vacation. Been working with my company for about 3-4 months. So i'm available to get a weeks paid vacation. So for my vacation i'm going to Japan. Yep, Japan. Thought y'all should know.
Very cool. Lucky you!
Well, in good news I got an apartment. SO let me go through a decent timetable of the last.....oh month for me.

6/24/08- I moved out of the once boyfriends house. Started to live with my sister in her separate bedroom/ once greenhouse.

Then I applied for an apartment in Skagit and it failed because I had no 'rental history'

Started to date a co-worker...
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I am glad for yah I miss talkin to you my friend
Well, I quit my job today. My ex was getting under my skin too quickly. I was just asking him if he got a response from bob. He kept going "eh" or *shrug* so I said to myself to fuck it. Just quit. So when my boss came back in I shook her hand and told her that I had a good time and I...
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Good for you!
Hey, i'm impressed it's a very brave thing to quit your job!
Ok, I haven't updated in like. FOREVER! but still. Well, for one I moved out of my boyfriends house, i'm living with my sister until I can get a place of my own. But with the pay that i'm getting i'll be out of here soon. I believe he broke up with me, as in believe I say he did and he denies it. So...
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goddam, fun day!
happy birthday
I got my tattoo, I got my tattoo, Lalalalalalaaaaa, I got my tattoo, I got my tattoo, and I hate my freaking friends. Got a tattoo, got my ears pierced, my sister left me sitting there. Got my paychecks, got my mom food, and my sister left me to go to work. chachacha!

So to refresh, I got a tattoo today! First one ever. I...
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nice work biggrin
anchors are always the best
ok, I sprained my wrist the first 3 days working my 1st job. Now, I've sprained my ankle. La de freaking da. Pain, oh the damn pain.
I have a question, something to think about. Is there something in this world that you hold so close, that you love so much that you cry whenever it's mentioned? That you burst into tears, and you miss it so much that you'd do anything to get to it. That's really....what I feel about Japan. It's been a major influence in my life since 3rd...
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Ok, tomorrow I start working again after a month long hiatus with unemployment. As well as having my previous employer state to unemployment when I was filing that I was fired instead of laid off due to 'lack of work'. They've been trying to deny me pay for unemployment so now me and my dad are super pissed and fighting against the claim. what else....As...
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Aw you are gonna work so much we will never talk *sad* miss ya