Well our project is over. The majority of it is so to say. I got done with all my low voltage so now i'm helping with the next project determining lengths of wire and materials needed. While all at the same time what costs what and how much it is. We're compiling a list of materials necessary to do our next work related project that will most likely make me feel as normal and unsatisfied by challenges as our last hotel job. This job has been different because it's first class condo's. Low Voltage technician I am, and I've been kicking ass!
In other news I was planning on going to Japan in my down time but due to the fact that I want to learn how to drive, get my sail boat out from it's debt and pay off all my substantial debt i'll put it off for now. I'm contemplating about going to Vancouver for a weekend. Maybe a lame attempt at a romantic send-off or something like that. I don't know, i'll see what I can make up at this time due to the lack of resources with Japan.
In other, OTHER news I got my car out of the repair shop (it was in there for about 2 weeks) and the damn thing lived long enough for my mom to drive it to my work and park it before it stopped working. So me being pissed that I spent almost 900$ on a car that wouldn't work I yelled a lot and cried even more. But today when I went into the car to see if it wanted to work this time IT DID! WOOO, oh glory! I just need to learn to drive it...and then maybe attempt at getting my license. At this time as well i'm getting bored and in the next 2-4 weeks we're going to be on a layoff/ standby mode at work till our estimates are made and finalized. So I might take up more art, maybe get more modeling shots, maybe try to do a set. IDK, i'm just beat from the 12 hour-14 hour shifts each day. So i'm gonna go to bed or nap, whichever. I'll try to update again.
In other news I was planning on going to Japan in my down time but due to the fact that I want to learn how to drive, get my sail boat out from it's debt and pay off all my substantial debt i'll put it off for now. I'm contemplating about going to Vancouver for a weekend. Maybe a lame attempt at a romantic send-off or something like that. I don't know, i'll see what I can make up at this time due to the lack of resources with Japan.
In other, OTHER news I got my car out of the repair shop (it was in there for about 2 weeks) and the damn thing lived long enough for my mom to drive it to my work and park it before it stopped working. So me being pissed that I spent almost 900$ on a car that wouldn't work I yelled a lot and cried even more. But today when I went into the car to see if it wanted to work this time IT DID! WOOO, oh glory! I just need to learn to drive it...and then maybe attempt at getting my license. At this time as well i'm getting bored and in the next 2-4 weeks we're going to be on a layoff/ standby mode at work till our estimates are made and finalized. So I might take up more art, maybe get more modeling shots, maybe try to do a set. IDK, i'm just beat from the 12 hour-14 hour shifts each day. So i'm gonna go to bed or nap, whichever. I'll try to update again.
Is your car still working? and what exactly do you do, I just found you