Well, I get the soon to be joy of leaving for 5 months. Not for school, not for fun, not for the sake of vacation. Nope, i'm leaving for 5 months in the name of work. Work that includes me planning out a 2 mile terrain across a river and through a gravel pit. 5 months of putting together motors, and starters, and trying to convince someone to put a high voltage wire somewhere. 2 miles of pvc and conduit self tapping screws, concrete nails, 3 drills, 4 chargers, one journey man, one apprentice, and a major massive headache.....
Just so you know....I'm an Electrician.
Just so you know....I'm an Electrician.
In all honesty I don't think I feel to keen about the name >.> But better then the stuff I usually get.
Ha! The irony in that!