]im on a mission from god. im tring to find all the locals and get em to join our group and come out adn be the radness with us. punkins punkins!!
whats with you guys who have memberships, but dont ever get into groups, have friends or go on the boards?? ya just here to look? its fun times around these parts if your willing to be brave and go out with us.
my second outting got me free jager. and kahlua cream pie. i FUCKING HATE the taste of kahlua, bt eh, long story.
kahlua apperantly sounds alot like my real name, what with the k's and the a's and the l's. i have a stupid name, and theres no way to shorten it and no one knows how to pronounce it unless theyve spent many a hour hanging out with me.
kaaaaaaa.....seriously. just call me la.
today i
1. saw jackass2
2. didnt follow through on my plans to pack and move....i really should since im not packed and gotta be out in a
3. ran through sprinklers
who wants to go see saw3 with me? i cant be the only one who wants to see this.
yay for gore!!!!!!!!!!
i burned blitzkid cds for jeff and brought it into him at the shop. he was sooo stoked on three bad jacks i just had to keep sharin the love. im missing rancid this week. oh sure itd be a good show but uh...meh.
oh oh oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so as i was leaving the shop today, bonedaddycash and i had our old car radars on in our minds and we spotted a beautifull 48 chevy automobile....if i had about....six thousand and seven hundred dollars more i totally would have bought it.
the door was unlocked....i almost sat in it. i just wanted to sit in it and maybe touch the steering wheel and see how it felt and see its dash, its speedometer....lacking all those technical thigns and lights and was soooo simple and it smelled amazing, antique.
couer d alene has some loveyness i cant find in spokane.
things are going well with the tattoo shop, consdiering im never there these days.
no more overtiem. NO working saturday nites. never. im going to be in the shop.
and im going on a pumpkin extravaganza....punkin patches graveyards cornmazes and PHOTOGRAPHY all to be followed with a goooood ol horror movie shindig.
should be lovely and im goign to love it
love love love
zombie walk. spokane. halloween. wheres that link....
oh k.
and because a few people have asked, my profiel picture is of me attackign an easter tree i found in seattle. wed driven over there for a sh ow or something and we spotted this. it was amzing. we pulled over and attacked it.

it was good times. i took that egg. but i dont know what i did with it.
god i miss seattle.
who wants to road trip it over there with me, just for photo oppertuniies???
]im on a mission from god. im tring to find all the locals and get em to join our group and come out adn be the radness with us. punkins punkins!!
whats with you guys who have memberships, but dont ever get into groups, have friends or go on the boards?? ya just here to look? its fun times around these parts if your willing to be brave and go out with us.
my second outting got me free jager. and kahlua cream pie. i FUCKING HATE the taste of kahlua, bt eh, long story.
kahlua apperantly sounds alot like my real name, what with the k's and the a's and the l's. i have a stupid name, and theres no way to shorten it and no one knows how to pronounce it unless theyve spent many a hour hanging out with me.
kaaaaaaa.....seriously. just call me la.
today i
1. saw jackass2
2. didnt follow through on my plans to pack and move....i really should since im not packed and gotta be out in a
3. ran through sprinklers
who wants to go see saw3 with me? i cant be the only one who wants to see this.
yay for gore!!!!!!!!!!
i burned blitzkid cds for jeff and brought it into him at the shop. he was sooo stoked on three bad jacks i just had to keep sharin the love. im missing rancid this week. oh sure itd be a good show but uh...meh.
oh oh oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so as i was leaving the shop today, bonedaddycash and i had our old car radars on in our minds and we spotted a beautifull 48 chevy automobile....if i had about....six thousand and seven hundred dollars more i totally would have bought it.
the door was unlocked....i almost sat in it. i just wanted to sit in it and maybe touch the steering wheel and see how it felt and see its dash, its speedometer....lacking all those technical thigns and lights and was soooo simple and it smelled amazing, antique.
couer d alene has some loveyness i cant find in spokane.
things are going well with the tattoo shop, consdiering im never there these days.
no more overtiem. NO working saturday nites. never. im going to be in the shop.
and im going on a pumpkin extravaganza....punkin patches graveyards cornmazes and PHOTOGRAPHY all to be followed with a goooood ol horror movie shindig.
should be lovely and im goign to love it
love love love
zombie walk. spokane. halloween. wheres that link....
oh k.
and because a few people have asked, my profiel picture is of me attackign an easter tree i found in seattle. wed driven over there for a sh ow or something and we spotted this. it was amzing. we pulled over and attacked it.

it was good times. i took that egg. but i dont know what i did with it.
god i miss seattle.
who wants to road trip it over there with me, just for photo oppertuniies???
you have so much goin on in your blog i forgot what i was gonna say about some of the stuff!! i wanna see saw 3! but... again, i'm not in spokane. i'm in the land of photo ops haha... i'll have to come to spokane sometime for a tat though!