From an email to valcapone:
<That said, I'm not implying that you need to include erotic Virgin Marys or anything, but who knows? Perhaps if we printed Jesus-boy's piece, someone might read it and think, "Damn! I feel like that too! That was so hot, I'm gonna go pull a Linda Blair with my crucifix!" ... Of course, Catholicism can and has warped many of us; I used to say pennance every time I jerked off as a kid, terrified I'd go to Hell for lovin' up my own body. I also got creeped out by the idea that God watched me do that, having grown up with the typically patriarchal idea of God as a bearded old man. *shudder* As I got older, I started liking the idea of being watched unknowingly.>
Yes, I am filthy and tasteless. And you love it.
<That said, I'm not implying that you need to include erotic Virgin Marys or anything, but who knows? Perhaps if we printed Jesus-boy's piece, someone might read it and think, "Damn! I feel like that too! That was so hot, I'm gonna go pull a Linda Blair with my crucifix!" ... Of course, Catholicism can and has warped many of us; I used to say pennance every time I jerked off as a kid, terrified I'd go to Hell for lovin' up my own body. I also got creeped out by the idea that God watched me do that, having grown up with the typically patriarchal idea of God as a bearded old man. *shudder* As I got older, I started liking the idea of being watched unknowingly.>
Yes, I am filthy and tasteless. And you love it.
Hehe. I just noticed your boy is Simium. Banana!
Yeah every time i here the Transplants song Diamonds and Guns in that Fructis shampoo commercial i cringe.