damn, i guess i should update if colleen is even getting on here lol! that little shit >:3
havent been doing much lately...im working only weekends now cuz its the slow season, so mon-thurs im just sitting around the house with nothing to do! the last weekend i was gonna make a run up to ohio to go to xfest with colleen, but decided it wasnt a good idea as far as money goes
so ive never been to xfest but next year im definately going! im trying to get a second job but nothing is ever hiring around this shithole. but i did have an interview at a vet clinic last week and am waiting to hear back from them. I did a lot of volunteer work in vet clinics and shelters, and have been trying to get a job like this since bloody high school, so i fucking hope i get it! wish me luck, ok guys?! things with tim have been really good. Ive actually been drawing and painting more lately. really havent done that since high school! what i really want to work on more is black and white paintings on canvas, like portraits and shit. I did a fucking kick ass one in high school of colleen so ill have to take a pic of it and show you guys, as well as other pics ive been taking lately. i cant fucking wait for fall to really kick in!!! weve started getting breezes and leaves have been falling, but other than that its still way too hot. i need to go back up to ohio and experience beautiful fall weather again finally, its been way too long. if i dont get another job in the next few weeks, ill be going up to ohio for a visit! so that should make punknitemike very happy >:3 can anyone tell me why SGs are dropping like flies around here??? especially apnea, that really blows my mind and i dont even know what happened! anyways, i think thats all for now! i will post lost of piccies soon!
havent been doing much lately...im working only weekends now cuz its the slow season, so mon-thurs im just sitting around the house with nothing to do! the last weekend i was gonna make a run up to ohio to go to xfest with colleen, but decided it wasnt a good idea as far as money goes

really never thought this site would have such a policy... especially as nothing bad is being said about them in some of the posts... but they're still be removed...
who knows, this one may be too... we'll see, i already know a few people who have had posts removed and they had no idea what was going on, it was general chat on the subject...
anyway, hope you're well sexy... your sis been stealing your account... bless her sexy cotton socks