fuck its been so long since i last updated. ever since i started working i havent had much interest in getting online which is suprising to me. work is the same...too fucking hot to be standing outside in 115 degree sun for eight hours! I am getting my second paycheck today so thats good! i was hoping to have some of my last one left over but that didnt work out cuz i had to help someone fix their car, which is okay cuz thats my only ride to work. we had to reformat the compy and havent reinstalled the camera shit yet so i dont have the pics ready yet that i want to post. i have one of me feeding one of our giraffes a carrot with my mouth! i love taking pics of the giraffe feedings cuz i get to feed them too and its so amazing to have those huge heads right in your face and standing over you too. i also got to work at the water park Splash Island the other day. omg i fucking loved it! all i did all day was swim in the lazy river and take pics of the people floating by. it made me so happy all day and makes me actually want to keep my job. ill be working there a few more days next week, but the water park will be closing in a few weeks so im sad about that. so if i decide to keep working for kodak when the park opens back up next year im gonna ask to stay at splash island. i got alex a job there with me and hes getting his first paycheck today, but he really wants to quit and find a better job. we requested off next sunday so we can take tim there and see everything. im not looking forward to hauling my huge 10d around the park, but im going to anyways to get lots of my own pics. god itll be my day off and im still going to work to take pics lol. colleen is in key west with some girls she works with for a few more days. shes been there about a week already. i havent heard from her so i hope she is having fun and those crazy girls arent running off and leaving her alone somewhere!!! i cant wait to finally get in touch with her. i also never hear from happykitten5 that much which makes me sad since im in the states now...i know i could call her, and ive sent lots of txt msg's but.....shes doing her own thing and has a new friend now....and i dont know why im even talking about it....things have always been weird for me towards her......i guess cuz i used to be in love with her.....but like i said im gonna shut up about it.....so theres my update for now! oh and if my account shuts down again its cuz im between banks right now! i really did miss you guys!!! still love me?

another valdostan? awesome!!