I made myself go to bed last night at eight, hoping that i can reverse my sleeping schedule back to normal. i slept until ten AM today. got up but was so bored out of my mind by noon that i went back to sleep and just got up again at two. dammit. its not that i need to be up during the day to do shit(i need a fucking job!!!) i just dont like sleeping days away. so yeah i need a job really fucking bad. i think the bills are going to start killing us pretty soon. and i think a nice paycheck from sg would be nice if tim would not have such a problem with me possibly doing it. yeah i still havent sent my shit in, cuz he "doesnt know" if we'll get a divorce in the near future if i do sg. anyways....my mom is in CA right now visiting her family cuz her mom isnt going to live much longer, and her brother's wife just died also. she only got a week off of work to go and she will be back home on wed. i cant wait to talk to her and see how everything went. I am going to put some temporary black in my hair to see if it works and if i can pull it off. i need to get it cut really bad too. oh and i cant believe how many comments i got last time!! i love you guys!!!

I use Manic Panic. The red I use is Pillarbox Red, but now my hair is more pink; I used Red Passion. Manic Panic is known to not stay in very well but for some reason it stays just fine on my mop; plus they got these spiffy new shamoos & conditioners to help hold color. Good stuff!